1997 Summer League Draft

1Brown PARodriguez SSSmoltz PBonds OFIRodriguez CGriffey CFBagwell 1BCaminiti 3B
2Biggio 2BGalarraga 1BLofton CFAnderson CFLarkin SSMcGwire 1BKnoblauchRAlomar 2B
3Guzman PHentgen PBurks OFPettitte PGlavine PCJones 3BSheffield DHBuhner OF
4Ramirez OFThome DHThomas 1BAFernandez PPalmeiro 1BLeiter PJGonzalez OFCJohnson C
5Nagy PMaddux PCastilla 3BFassero PBelle DHTraschel PFinley CFAppier P
6MoVaughnHill PRHernandezNen P*Salmon OFSteinbach CNeagle PValdes P
7EMartinez DHGrissom CFRivera P*Ventura 3BJoFranco P*LJohnson CFOsborne PNomo P
8Wilson CGilkey OFReynolds PEYoung 2BMussina PPercival P*Belcher PSchilling P
9Hoffman P*Brantley P*Jeter SSRipken SSClark PMolitor DHVizquel SSClemens P
10BWilliams CFMoyer PWetteland P*James P*Crabtree P*RMartinez PGuthrie P*Radinsky P*
11Greer OFSantiago CMcDonald PSmiley PPlunk P*Astacio PMacFarlaneMaGrace 1B
12Piazza DHO'Neill OFDurham 2BMondesi OFHigginson OFHershiser PAshby PShaw P*
13Ryan P*Alvarez PPagnozzi CHundley CLankford CFFryman 3BEisenreich OFRenteria SS
14King 3BPalmer 3BBJordan OFO'Brien CValenzuela PBecker CFEdmonds CFAssenmacher
15Casian P*Fossas P*Hampton PTiWorrell PMcLemore 2BWohlers P*Cirillo 3BSeitzer DH
16Canseco DHShuey P*Borbon P*Jaha 1BWalker CFCordova OFSSanders PBichette OF
17MWilliams 3BLansing 2BPoole P*xBrosius 3BxJefferson 1BVizcaino 2BToWorrell P*JuFranco DH
18JBell SSDWhite CFPhillips OFDBell PRPatterson P*Trombley P*TJMathews P*Honeycutt P*
19Vosberg P*Bottalico P*Sosa OFGiles OFGrudzielanekSnow 1BBottenfield P*McRae CF
20EDavis CFRMyers P*Gwynn OFJavier OFNilsson DHTAdams P*Manwaring CLThomas P*
21Whiten OFSAlomar COfferman UtBatista INFOsuna P*Karkovice CMartin INFDMartinez OF
22Finley PVelarde INFCone pRosado pBielecki PNaehring 3BBoggs 3BLampkin C
23PJMartinez PBonilla DHMorandini 2BRHendersonxSpiers INFGagne SSValle CHollandsworth
24Weiss SSBerroa OFSprague 3BStanton P*Hudler UtAlou OFRaines OFDuncan INF
25Parent CAnBenes pFlaherty CRSanders OFGiambi 3BOrosco P*Frye 2BDunston SS
26WAdams pTMartinez 1BMlicki PMohler P*Hayes 3BGVaughn OFTCastillo P*Rojas P*
27Coomer DHAmaral UtMesa P*xMiGrace pGirardi CRJohnson pNavarro pSFernandez p

x=Greg drafted Brosius, then traded him and his 27th round pick to Keith for Jefferson and his 23rd round pick

circa the week of Memorial Day 1997

Draft Notes