Clarification of Free Agent Pickups:

This rule clarifies the different ways a free agent player must be acquired, and the retention rules around these pickups.

7th Starter - If a team has two or more starting pitcher injuries at one time, a 7th starter (or 8th, etc.) must be picked up for the duration of the need. This player does NOT need starter-eligibility (21 MLB starts). This player goes back into the Free Agent pool at the end of the need. If a player completes game 162, or any playoff game, on a roster, this player does NOT return to the Free Agent pool.

7th Starter - If a team's 6th starter uses up all their games, the team immediately picks up a new starter. This player does NOT need starter-eligibility (21 MLB starts). This player remains in possession of this club for the remainder of the season.

Clinched-playoffs-rest-starters - Once a team clinches a playoff spot, they have the right to pick up one or two starting pitchers to place in their rotation for the rest of the regular season. This player DOES need starter-eligibility (21 MLB starts). This player remains in possession of this club for the remainder of the season, but is unrostered for the playoffs.

Emergency injury pickups - If a team runs out of games at a position, or has all their players at the position injured, they are allowed to pick up a free agent for the duration of the need. This player remains on their roster for the duration of the need, then returns to the Free Agent pool. If a player completes game 162, or any playoff game, on a roster, this player does NOT return to the Free Agent pool.