January 2005 "Winter Meeting" Rules Ballot

The Winter Meeting didn't happen this year, this vote was taken online.

1. Allow FAs to be dropped if they exceed a usage by only 1 if a single usage would otherwise disallow that player to be dropped.


2. If he is otherwise eligible to be dropped under the rules, a non-rostered 6th starter may be dropped in the FA draft and replaced with a player on the active roster. a rostered player may then be drafted to replace the rostered player moved into the 6th starter spot. the FA draft is the only time during the season when this move may be made.


3. Ignore all injuries


3B. If a player's team has fewer games remaining in their SL regular season schedule than the player has eligible games remaining, injuries to the player shall be ignored to the extent that enforcing the injury would ultimately leave the player with fewer SL regular season games played than his actual mlb games played. In all cases, injuries do count in the in the game in which they happen.


NOTE: If 3 passes, the results of 3B are ignored. If 3 fails, and 3B passes, 3B becomes the rule.

4. No team can complete more than 40 games played higher than the team with the least games played.

For example, if Greg has 120 games played, and Chris has 80 games played, Greg cannot play any games (other than with Chris himself).



6. Team names and locations must be an earth-based language, with no special characters (~!@#$%^&*()_+ are examples), and no languages unsupported by the ASCII character set. (Chinese and other Eastern languages are unsupported in ASCII, most Western characters are supported)


7. The final intradivisional series can be played in any order, but this order must be decided before any games are played, and cannot be altered once the first game has been played.


8. Add a GM of the Year post-season award.