Summer League - 2001 Hot Stove League Meeting Minutes From Friday January 26, 2001 Steve Swinea, league secretary ATTENDANCE Host: Ken Klein, Black River Falls Joe Hauser, Valhalla Vikings Chris Klein, Honolulu Hummers Dave Basler, Griswold Rust Steve Swinea, Bridgeport Good Kids Keith Klein, Denali Asps Graham Haas (via NetMeeting), Golden Showers Greg Nims (via NetMeeting), Gilt Edge Splinters The Hot Stove League meeting started approximately a little after 8:30 PM CST. Agreements reached for Summer League 2001: 1. A proposal becomes a rule by a two-thirds vote. 2. For a trade to be made in Summer League, all teams involved must be within 10 games played of each other. 3. Centerfielders are limited to playing centerfield during the Summer League playoffs by the chart below: MLB CF Games Played SL Playoff CF Games Allowed 0-6 games 0 games 7-18 games 1 game 19-31 games 2 games 32-43 games 3 games 44-56 games 4 games 57-68 games 5 games 69-81 games 6 games 82-162 games 7 games In addition, if all playoff valid rostered CFs are unable to play CF for a playoff game, the player who has the most CF games played during MLB must play CF. 4. After clinching a playoff spot, a ballclub may continuously start (within the current Summer League guidelines of 4 days of rest for starting pitchers) up to two free agent pitchers. 5. All players are limited to 8% of their actual MLB plate appearances in a playoff series. 6. Whichever GM has the best record and is not dropping any players from his roster during the 40 game Drop-And-Add free agent process runs the free agent process. 7. A ballplayer may not be dropped during the free agent process if he has gone over 25% of his actual MLB totals in regards to any one of the following categories: games played, games in centerfield, relief innings pitched, starting innings pitched, plate appearances and stolen base attempts. 8. All Summer League rules are continuous unless amended or deleted. 9. A manager may not remove a ballplayer if there is not a valid substitute on the bench. 10. Summer League trades may only involve players and or draft picks from the current season. A general manager may not trade non-Summer League commodities such as money, beer, cars and the like. 11. Any scenarios that develop which dictate that a player must appear at a position he is not rated for should be resolved by the two competing managers in a gentlemans agreement. 12. One general manager per division will act as a Division Auditor. This duty involves verifying that ballplayers within that division stay within their allowed Summer League plate appearances, innings pitched, stolen base attempts and games played in centerfield. Draft Order determined By Straight Pick: Pedro. Bob 2. Dave 3. Ken 4. Graham 5. Chris 6. Steve 7. Greg 8. Keith 9. Joe Divisions Determined By Straight Pick Bob Chris Steve Graham Greg Keith Dave Ken Joe