I have attached the depth chart template that I need you all to fill out. Please save the file with your team name in it. This will drive lineup decisions Also include your preferred default Offense and Defense in the template Return to me August 31st Once I get your depth charts I will start to run preseason games. Each team will have 2 preseason games to see how the sim is reacting to you depth chart and formation choices All injuries that occur in preseason will NOT carry over to the start of the season Schedule will be posted by August 31st as well Roster moves: If you pick up a player before the start of the NFL season this is treated like a regular add/drop. Roster limit is 44 After the NFL season starts you can pick up a player from week 1 to 3 of the NFL season with the following conditions: i. You can only do this with up to 3 players ii. The player must go into your starting lineup iii. The player must have the minimum number of passes or rushes to be a starting QB or RB