Ed Omaha 3-15 |
Mike Minnesota 3-15 |
Kolin Las Vegas 5-13 |
Chuck San Antonio 6-12 |
Dave Indy 6-12 |
Chris Baltimore 6-12 |
Mike Philly 8-10 |
Ken Albuquerque 10-8 |
Scott Arizona 10-8 |
Gary San Diego 12-6 |
Graham Alaska 13-5 |
Kevin Hollywood 13-5 |
Denver 12-6 | Greg Chicago 14-4 |
Doug New York 11-7 |
Tom MC 12-6 |
Time limit | |
1 | ViYoung QB | Leinart QB | RegBush RB | TRomo QB | McNeill OT8 | Colston WR | Mangold C8 | AJHawk OLB7 | THali DE7 | DFerguson OT6 | DeRyans ILB8 | JCutler QB | Wimbley OLB7 | Jones-Drew RB | LMaroney RB | Addai RB | 24 hrs |
2 | Hester PR/KR | Winslow TE | MarWillams DE6 | CoRedding DE7 | ErnSims OLB7 | HNgata DT6 | THoward OLB7 | MHuff S7 | BMcCray DE7 | SHolmes WR | JCampbell QB | MAnderson DE6 | MBirk C8 | DeAWilliams RB | DWhitner S7 | DHuard QB | 20 hrs |
3 | Atogwe S6 | JNorwood RB | DLandry S6 | VernDavis TE | BCroyle QB | MikeBell RB | SSchweigert S7 | Kiwanuka DE5 | RCurry WR | DManning S7 | JGarcia QB | DaJoseph G5.5 | WiJustice OT3 | BrThomas OLB6 | BaCofield DT6 | Kaesvihrn DB6 | 16 hrs |
4 | JaBrown C-G6 | LPope TE | NapHarris ILB6 | OMughelli FB6/3 | Incognito C/G6 | ODaniels TE | TaJackson QB | JaEvans OG6 | CCarlisle G/T6 | DColledge OT5.5 | KSimpson S6 | TPashos OT6 | WiThomas OT7 | BrMoore LB6 | SiMoss WR | MLawsn OLB5 | 12 hrs |
5 | BrBunkley DT3 | DqJackson ILB5 | RiMarshall CB6 | Stinchcomb OT6 | EDumervil DL5 | MFurrey WR | KWarner QB | TyeHill CB5 | IsBruce WR | RGould K | FRobbins DT7 | Whitworth GT5 | AGurode C7 | GJennings WR | Wilcox FB/TE | Kasay K | 10 hrs |
6 | RGeathers DE6 | BUtecht TE | CIngram OLB6 | EWinston T5 | Morency RB | Herremans G6 | RParrish PR | BrMarshall WR | SConsidine S6 | KJennings CB5 | JCarney K | TWilkins RET | AManuwai G6 | ABethea S6 | KJones RB | JCribbs RET | 8 hrs |
7 | BrYoung DT5 | JoJoseph CB5 | Hangartner C5 | Wrighster TE | DHendersn WR | Goodman CB7 | MiAustin KR | AhBrooks ILB4 | ChBaker TE | Gaither LB | CeGriffin CB | DeWilliams WR | Cromartie CB | BCarpenter ILB4 | AnFason TE | BrJohnson WR | 8 hrs |
8 | AHodge LB4 | ScWells C6 | DeLutui G5 | RCartwright KR | JSpitz G5 | DGandy CG5.5 | ArBattle WR | DStewart OT5.5 | SeMahan CG5 | LWashington RB | LeWhite RB | YeBell S6 | Northcutt PR | DJHackett WR | MBrunell QB | DaHolly CB5 | 8 hrs |
9 | MFowler C6 | BrJones WR | MWilhelm ILB3 | PaCrayton WR | STulloch ILB4 | Jeanty OLB5 | Lechler P | DBullocks S4 | JRyan P | Gradkowski QB | ShScott OLB6 | Feely K | Colquitt P | ViJackson WR c RoSmith WR |
O'Callaghan T5 c JJames G6 |
KFaulk PR | 8 hrs |
10 | RGarza OG5.5 | JMcCargo DT3 | LaJohnsn OLB6 | AlPearman PR | McBriar P, c KeSimmons G5 |
THolt S6 | TyClabo G5 | Plackemeier P c GEllis OLB6 |
BBailey LB5 | BTroupe TE | BobWade WR | KLarson P | Zastudil P | TWilliamsn WR c DWilliams Cb6 |
GrEllis OLB6 | 6 hrs | |
11 | Scifres P | Koenen P | Bledsoe QB c PDaniels DE5 |
CLemon QB | SAdams DT6 c IScott DT5 |
BLeber OLB6 c QMorgan WR |
pass | JScobee K c JSowell RB |
Ghiaciuc C5 | MeLewis TE c BledsoeQB |
DMorgan ILB6 | JBrown K | RaWilliams TE | 4 hrs | |||
12 | JGrove C5 c MBooker WR |
BKeisel DE6 c JHall DE6 |
RHarper S6 c KKennedy S6 |
WLundy RB c Archuleta S4 c Tinoisamoa LB6 |
MStovall WR c SCody DT4 |
CHenry WR c Longwell K c JFabini T3 |
ElWyms DL5 c GJackson DT6 |
RRoyal TE6 c JGrove C5 |
CoWilliams DT5 | 4 hrs | |||||||
add/ drops |
PLenon OLB5 c RMorris LB5 |
TJohnson DT5 | FaBrown CB6 | n/a |
Previously traded picks
Denver has the following extra choices for 2007 draft. Hollywood's 3rd and 11th Mexico City's 6th Toronto's 7th N.Y.'s 8th and 9thMid-Draft Trade Summary