APBA BBW MicroManagers

Click on file name to download.

conley.zip - Jake Conley 1900-1930 AIM Manager

durham.zip - Riverboat Durham - Modern Era AIM Manager developed by Tom Mink. Wins at all cost.

mgrgrady.zip - Grady Michaels - late 50's to 60's AIM, specifically designed for '67

mgrmurph.zip - Dan Murphy - 1980's and up AIM Manager

jnelson.zip - Jasper Nelson - Click here for more info (153K)

rabbit.zip - Rabbit Schindel - 1908 to 1919 AIM, specifically 1911.

bbwbct.zip - Blind Catfish Thomas - AIM, 1930 and later. In practice he runs very aggressively, but tends to use only the highest grade reliever and neglects the rest of the bullpen. A good choice for a fast team with good starting pitching.

bbwbuck.zip - Buckshot Williams - 1930's and up AIM Manager (best in the 1960's)

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