Winter 2010-2011 Rule Ballot Results A: 8 yes, 1 no PASSES B: 3 yes, 6 no FAILS Item A, tweaking the injury pickup rule: When a team runs out of players at a position - Added 01.26.2010 WM2010 When a team runs out of rated players at a position due to injury, the team is allowed to pick up a free agent for the duration of the need (until a rated player returns to the active roster). The acquired player must have a injury (J) rating equal to the highest injury rating available. The suggested new rule reads: When a team runs out of players at a position - Added 11.22.2010 WM2011 When a team runs out of rated players at a position due to injury, the team is allowed to pick up a free agent for the duration of the need (until a rated player returns to the active roster). The acquired player must have a injury (J) rating equal to the highest injury rating available and must be the free agent's primary position. ------------- Item B: Also, how does the league feel about dropping the steal rating dictating how many SBAs a player gets in the playoffs and going with the 8% rule with any non-pitcher who had at least 1 MLB SBA attempt being allowed at least 1 SBA? That way in case a nonpitcher went 5 for 5 stealing in MLB, he wouldn't be at 0 attempts in the playoffs.